To read Christpoher Robin's obituary please click here
is a picture of A. A. Milne with Christopher Robin, along with the original
Winnie the Pooh (Edward the Bear).
Alan Alexander Milne
was born in London on January 18, 1882. He was the youngest of three brothers
named, David Barret Milne and Kenneth John Milne. His father, John Vine, was
a school teacher and his mother, Sarah Maria, was a homemaker. They married
August 27, 1878. And to no surprise, Alan Alexander could read at the age of
two. Alan Alexander first attended the Henley House, then at Westminster School,
and then Cambridge on a mathematics scholarship.
In 1903, Milne went to London to write. In 1906, he became the editor of Punch magazine. He continued on with this position for eight years. Within this time he wrote his first book; three collections of his contributions to the magazine were also published.
In 1913 he married Dorothy deb Selincourt, known to friends as Daphne. In 1915, during World War I, he enlisted in the Royal Warwickshire Regiment and served in France. During his military service he wrote three plays, all of which were seen on the London stage.
After the war he chose not to return to Punch, choosing to have the freedom to write when he wanted too.
On August 21, 1920 Christopher Robin Milne was born. A.A. Milne's only son. Christopher became an inspiration to his father.
When Christopher Robin was a year old, he was given a stuffed bear. Christopher named this bear Edward bear. And later, Christopher recieved a tiger, pig, and a donkey. The creation of bringing these toys to life is actualy credited to Daphne Milne. In 1924 A. A. Milne had published When We Were Very Young. In 1926 Winnie-the-Pooh was released, this established Milne as a major author of children's book. Now We Are Six, followed in 1927. Released in 1928 was The House at Pooh Corner. All four books were illustrated by Ernest H. Shephard. He based his drawings on Christopher Robin and his toys.
A.A. Milne is mainly known for his children's books, however he did go on to write a detective novel, more plays and his autobiography.
Sadly, Alan Alexander Milne died on January 31, 1956 and Christopher Robin Milne died April, 1996.
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